We look forward to bringing as many folks together to eliminate intimate partner violence in our community. Our General Assembly meetings are open to all. The work of the Coalition is mostly done in committee. We ask that you consider joining a committee and help us do the work. Some of our meeting are closed to the public due to state statute requirements or the sensitive nature of the work. Please reach out to the committee chair for more information about how you can attend any meeting.
General Assembly
Our General Assembly meetings are open to the public and are held on the third Tuesday of the month
from 2-4pm, every other month beginning in January. Details are listed on the calendar below.
Fatality Review
The Fatality Review Team is a closed meeting, per state statutes, due to the sensitive nature of the work
being done during the meeting. If you would like to attend or join this committee, please contact chair Frieda Widera (fwidera@largo.com)
Policy & Statistics
The Policy and Statistics committee is open to members and is held every other month. If you would like to attend this meeting, contact chair person Gerni Oster
Steering Committee
Our Steering Committee meetings are held once per month on the first Wednesday at 9:30am. These meetings are closed. However, you may email the chair, Jennifer Young (jennifer@counselingforyourself.com) to request to attend.
Batterers Intervention
The Batterers Intervention Program committee is a closed meeting, consisting of Batterer Intervention
Program providers. If you would like to attend this meeting, please contact David Swindall (swindalldavid@gmail.com)
Advocacy & Outreach
The Advocacy and Outreach committee is open to members. Meetings are held monthly. If you would like to attend this meeting, please contact chairperson Pat Riley-Sanderson
General Assembly Meeting Minutes
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