About Us

We are a multidisciplinary group of Pinellas County agencies and individuals dedicated to ending intimate partner violence (IPV), promoting the prevention of intimate partner violence and holding batterers accountable. The Coalition is committed to protecting the dignity and safety of individuals and families affected by IPV. We build alliances in the community to work to meet these goals.
In order to meet our goals, we strive to create and support a coordinated community response to intimate partner violence. To that end, we provide a place for agencies and individuals to come together to problem solve and share resources. We provide education and data to increase awareness and understanding about IPV. Additionally, through our Fatality Review Team, we evaluate domestic homicide to better understand patterns and ways in which our community could prevent it from happening.
Our By-Laws are available by clicking here

Organization & Leadership
The Pinellas County Coalition to End Domestic Violence is a community organization focused on building and supporting a coordinated community response to end intimate partner violence. Our Coalition is led by a steering committee, voted on by members. We also have several committees where the business of the Coalition is done. Each member is asked to participate on a committee as well as attend the General Assembly Meetings where we come together to share our work and learn about issues related to intimate partner violence.

Jennifer Young, LMHC
Vice Chair of Coalition to End Domestic Violence

Barbara Hodson (Chair Emeritus), Pinellas County Sheriffs Department
Coalition Secretary
Frieda Widera, Largo Police Department

David Swindall, LMHC
Rebecca Spencer, Pinellas County Schools

Pat Riley-Sanderson
Advocacy and Outreach Committee Chair
Zenea Johnson, MS Gulf Coast JFCS

Gerni Oster
Policy and Statistics Committee Chairperson
Manuel Wolfe, Pinellas County Sheriff's Department
Steering Committee Member Appointed by Chair

• Improvements to the injunction for protection process: Created a packet of information for victims to better understand how to complete an injunction and always what to expect going forward
• Created pocket size cards for law enforcement to make it easier to identify high lethality cases and be able to refer them to domestic violence shelters
• Domestic violence award ceremony : to honor those who go above and beyond to help victims of domestic violence
• Developed and executed a training on domestic violence by strangulation
• ​5k run to raise awareness about Domestic Violence
• Created an annual fatality review report : the report investigates the fatalities caused as a direct result of
partner violence , and provides recommendations to provide a better coordinated community response for
future cases​
Our History